Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Finding a Fraction of a Set Template

My Reflection
I have been learning to find sets of Fraction. I was able to find a set of fractions.
I found this easy because i have been learning about it and been doing activities in my math book.
My next step is to find a set of fractions in %. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Cause and Effect - Wonder

My Reflection
I have been learning to understand the cause and effects of events in a text. In the novel Wonder, there are lots of things that happen which cause effects, (the outcome of an event or action by one of the characters). I found this easy because i remembered what happened in the story. My next step is to understand the purpose of the characters in the story. 

Features of Explanation Writing

My Reflection
I have been learning the features of explanation writing the features of an explanation writing are rhetorical questions, tenses, simple drawings,  Sequencing connectives, connectives and  a clear title.
I found it easy because all i had to do was figure out was by putting them in order. 
My next step is to write my own explanation using the features.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Making a Justified Prediction

My Reflection

I have been learning to make a justified prediction of a book.  A justified prediction is Say why you think that with evidence from the text, cover blurb. I found it tricky to  make a justified prediction because i did't have that munch information. My next step is to compare visual information with blurb title and contents, to justify predictions. 

Spelling Activity-The K Sound

My Reflection

I have been learning to recognise the different ways of spelling the "k" sound in words. The most challenging thing about doing this is trying to to recognise all the different ways that make the k sound. My next step is to use this learning to help me spell more accurately.