Wednesday, December 5, 2018

My Narrative Writing

My Reflection
I have been learning to do Narrative writing. I found this easy because I like doing Narrative writing. My next step is to do another Narrative story and publish it to my blog. 

Nrich Problem Solving-World of Tan

My Reflection 
We have been learning to use problem solving skills to solve tangram puzzles.
I found this tricky because it was my first time doing the mai ling tangram puzzle. 
I had to use resilience to stick with this and solve the puzzle. My next step is to try  solve the next tangram  and publish it to my blog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My Korowai

My Reflection
This is my Korowai i have work on it for the past two term my favourite part of it is the design.

Character Descrition


Monday, October 15, 2018

Holes - Making a Prediction

My Reflection
I have been learning to make a prediction about the book holes by Louis Sachar. I found it easy because I have watched the movie and read the book. My next step is to make a another prediction of the book

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Kelly Talons Trip

My Reflection
On Friday 20 September My Class Went to kelly talons we learnt about marine life. I learnt at kelly talons you can get strike by lighting twice then getting attacked by a shark. My favourite Part of the kelly talons trip was going to the park. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

100 word challenge

My Reflection
I have been writing my 100 word challenge. I found this hard because i keep on going over 100 words. My Next step is to do 150 word challenge.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Finding a Fraction of a Set

My Reflection
I am learning to find a fraction of a set. I found this easy because i first found 1/5 (6) and then find 3/5 (6+6+6) =18
My next Step is to do more finding a fraction of a set.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection
I have been learning to Find and Summarize information. I found it interesting because i got to find out a lot of mars and it was really challenge i mostly had to research all of this. My next step is to explain why information is important.

All About Mars Cloze Reading Challenge

My Reflection
I have been learning to give reasons to support inferences I have made. I found this interesting because i had to figure out what mars had similar too earth. My next step is to find specific explicit information in text and determine the implicit hidden idea or message find specific explicit information in text and determine the implicit idea or message

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection
I am learning Finding and Summarising Information  To understand how the information relates to the main topic. I found it interesting because it gave me a challenge. My next step is to identify and determine importance of information in the text.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Using Prior Knowledge

My Reflection
I have been learning to use my prior knowledge and experience when we relate to a given text/topic. I found this activity interesting because it made me wonder  Pakuranga stream and make me think
 about it. My next step is to explain my personal response to the text and selected experience.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Did You Ever Poem

My Reflection
I have been learning to write a poem using imagery. To make my poem more interesting I used Transitions. Did my poem give you a clear image? My next step is to use different types of language features like metaphors, similes and WOW words in  all my writing.  

Friday, June 29, 2018

Language Features in a text

My Reflection
I have been learning to recognise and understand specific language features. We have been learning about metaphors and similes. I have a good understanding of metaphors and smiles I think I am still learning about metaphors and similes. My next step is to use metaphors and similes in my writing. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Features of explanation writing

My Reflection
I have been learning the features of explanation writing. The features of an explanation text are a conclusion, a heading or a title, appropriate language features. I found this easy because the video of how to make banana milkshake gave me lots of good example's. My next step is to write my own explanation using the features.        

Friday, June 1, 2018

Wonder-Grammar and Vocabulary Challenge

Making Connections

My Reflection

I am learning to relate to the characters in the text to understand their purpose.
I had to compare Jack Will to a person I know in real life and compare thing's that they have in similar. My next step is to add more description to my venn diagram.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Finding a Fraction of a Set Template

My Reflection
I have been learning to find sets of Fraction. I was able to find a set of fractions.
I found this easy because i have been learning about it and been doing activities in my math book.
My next step is to find a set of fractions in %. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Cause and Effect - Wonder

My Reflection
I have been learning to understand the cause and effects of events in a text. In the novel Wonder, there are lots of things that happen which cause effects, (the outcome of an event or action by one of the characters). I found this easy because i remembered what happened in the story. My next step is to understand the purpose of the characters in the story. 

Features of Explanation Writing

My Reflection
I have been learning the features of explanation writing the features of an explanation writing are rhetorical questions, tenses, simple drawings,  Sequencing connectives, connectives and  a clear title.
I found it easy because all i had to do was figure out was by putting them in order. 
My next step is to write my own explanation using the features.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Making a Justified Prediction

My Reflection

I have been learning to make a justified prediction of a book.  A justified prediction is Say why you think that with evidence from the text, cover blurb. I found it tricky to  make a justified prediction because i did't have that munch information. My next step is to compare visual information with blurb title and contents, to justify predictions. 

Spelling Activity-The K Sound

My Reflection

I have been learning to recognise the different ways of spelling the "k" sound in words. The most challenging thing about doing this is trying to to recognise all the different ways that make the k sound. My next step is to use this learning to help me spell more accurately.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Our commonwealth Games Scavenger hunt by Laurel and Sasha

We have been learning about the commonwealth games and me and Sasha have beeb working on this scavenger hunt for a week and have been busy answering questions. And it was really fun working out what the answers where.

My Metaphor Poem

My Reflection
I have been learning to use language features to make my writing more interesting. We have been learning about metaphors. A metaphor is when you compare something to something else. You can say it 

Highlights of Term 1

My Reflection
This is my Adobe spark Video about the highlights of term 1 for me.
I hope you enjoy watching it. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Features of Non-fiction Texts

My Reflection
I have been learning to identify features in a non-fiction text.
I found this easy because I can already identify features in a non-fiction book .
My next step is to use these features to help me understand non-fiction texts better.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Authour purpose in Non-Fiction text

My Reflection
I have been learning to identify and describe what the authour wanted me to feel, think or see.
An interesting fact I found out about was that the pearl of siberia  (Lake baikai)  can turn into thick ice just in winter but it is being pollountion and devolopment. Something that suprised me was that you can drive on the ice. I think the authour wanted me think that Lake baikai was a very amazing lake and interesting lake. My next step is to understand how the next features can help me gain a better understanding of what I read.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Statishical Inquiry Cycle

My Reflection
I have been learning to conduct a simple statistical inquiry. I investigated what room 24's favourite online game was. I have discovered that roblox and minecraft were the most favourite online game in room 24. I was surprised that roblox was one of the favourite online games in the classroom. 
My next step is to learn how to display this data on a different type of graph. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

My Welcome Post 2018

Welcome to my Year 5 learning blog. This year I am in Room 24 and my teacher is Mrs Melville.
I enjoy Reading a goal I have this year is to pick up rubbish on the ground when I see some I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My kenning poem

My Reflection
I have been to write a Kennings poem. A kennings poem is like a riddle. It describes something without actually saying what it is. The poem is about me. I found this easy because all i needed to do has just write about myself by using two word. My next step is to write another one but about something else. 

Parts of a Graph

My Reflection
I have been learning about the different parts of a graphs. 
I learnt that title, data , labels and scales are the most important parts. 
I found this easy because i remembered all the parts of a graph.
My next step is to create my own graph by collecting data.