Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Kelly Talons Trip

My Reflection
On Friday 20 September My Class Went to kelly talons we learnt about marine life. I learnt at kelly talons you can get strike by lighting twice then getting attacked by a shark. My favourite Part of the kelly talons trip was going to the park. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

100 word challenge

My Reflection
I have been writing my 100 word challenge. I found this hard because i keep on going over 100 words. My Next step is to do 150 word challenge.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Finding a Fraction of a Set

My Reflection
I am learning to find a fraction of a set. I found this easy because i first found 1/5 (6) and then find 3/5 (6+6+6) =18
My next Step is to do more finding a fraction of a set.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection
I have been learning to Find and Summarize information. I found it interesting because i got to find out a lot of mars and it was really challenge i mostly had to research all of this. My next step is to explain why information is important.

All About Mars Cloze Reading Challenge

My Reflection
I have been learning to give reasons to support inferences I have made. I found this interesting because i had to figure out what mars had similar too earth. My next step is to find specific explicit information in text and determine the implicit hidden idea or message find specific explicit information in text and determine the implicit idea or message

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Finding and Summarising Information

My Reflection
I am learning Finding and Summarising Information  To understand how the information relates to the main topic. I found it interesting because it gave me a challenge. My next step is to identify and determine importance of information in the text.